The Kellermann Foundation: 20 Years Strong
There’s an old adage that says, “It’s not what we have in life, but who we have in our life that matters”— a truth on full display at the 20th Anniversary Celebration of the Kellermann Foundation in Nevada City, California, on August 8th. Over 250 longtime friends and supporters who know and love Dr. Scott and Carol Kellermann gathered to recognize this milestone and the Kellermann’s sacrificial and pioneering work in Uganda.
The celebration featured the Kellermanns’ dedication to the spread of faith, hope, and compassion through building solid and trusted relationships throughout the Bwindi region. The gathering also thanked the many people of Nevada City and Grass Valley, California, who were instrumental in forming the foundation twenty years ago.
Guests were treated to a series of talks honoring the crucial role played in what are now three large, fully operational, and sustainable ministries serving thousands of vulnerable people living in southwest Uganda. Dr. Birungi Mutahunga , KF board member and former Executive Director of Bwindi Community Hospital, spoke of the hospital’s extraordinary achievements and its future aspirations as a center of healthcare excellence. Former ED Sally Stillings, former chairman Gayle Porter, former board members Julia Amaral, Brendan Kimbrough, and Stacy Lippert, and strategic partners Bishop James Stanton and Rick Benson presented a dramatic and moving reading from the archives. Pioneer volunteers and KF supporters Julia Amaral and Dr. Sarah Woerner shared personal witness to how better healthcare had transformed the lives of people who were in desperate need of healing in the early days of the outreach effort.
Dr. Scott and Carol were given a standing ovation before sharing beautiful accounts of the indelible impressions Uganda made on their lives and stories and images about past and current friends who had worked with them in Uganda. They conveyed how grateful they are to have been given the great opportunity to live with the Batwa and serve those less fortunate in such a fascinating area of Africa, adjacent to the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest. Dr. Scott reflected that they had learned much about the Batwa and even more about themselves, and that their relationship as a couple is all the more richer for it. Practicing medicine under a healing tree in the remote Bwindi, he said, had restored his soul—a true gift from God.
Chairman Carol Doggett and Executive Director Laura Corley then presented the Kellermanns with artwork by Juliana Crownover titled “Batwa Boys,” depicting three ordinary Batwa boys walking happily arm-in-arm as friends up a path to a hopeful future. As the celebration concluded, guests were treated to a book signing where Dr. Scott personalized copies of his newly released book, An African Gift: My Life with the Batwa Pygmies. Guests spoke with Scott as he wrote special messages for each guest. It was an evening of celebration and joyful recognition of the good work being accomplished, which by God’s grace, will not just continue, but multiply.
Images from the 20th Anniversary Event: