Annual Report

The love and beauty of people and place
by Carol Doggett, Board Chairman

Executive Director Laura Corley recently shared, “Our legacy comes from within us and lives beyond us.” As we celebrate the twentieth anniversaries of Bwindi Community Hospital in 2023 and the Kellermann Foundation in 2024, we are amazed at the vast legacy which has grown in the people served by Dr. Scott and Carol Kellermann, the foundation’s staff, board, and partners, and volunteers around the globe.

Each time I travel to Uganda, I witness the love and beauty of the people and the place. The Batwa joyously dance with their guests and still delight in sharing the reenactment of their forest life before eviction in 1991. Mission doesn’t always happen when you are on the ground, mission sometimes happens when you return home and seek inspiration—inspiration for how to solve the challenges faced by the local Ugandan community, and inspiration for how to be with people even when you are not physically present. 

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Return to Bwindi: Marianne and Paul White